Saturday, May 25, 2013

And you are?

I have a wedding reception to attend this evening and so I was getting gussied up.  First I had to step over Chester as he was laying in front of the shower door. 
He looked at me but didn't seem to mind the intrusion.

I washed and conditioned my hair and then I looked down.
And what to my myopic eyes did appear?
Something that looked like a small black spider.

I have a truce with spiders and so there was no screaming and fleeing with water droplets flying.  I bent over to try and ascertain if it really was a spider. 

I then said, "If you are a spider and you are NOT dead, you better get out of here."
Chester got up and walked away.

I always figured he thought he was a cat.
Seems he fancies himself a spider.
Good thing I have a truce with them then.


  1. Chester, the dog of many faces. (or he has a split personality).

    1. I'm not exactly sure, this I must ponder. ;)

  2. Dogs are always underfoot- hard to tell who they're impersonating! ;)

    1. Chester says, "I'll be whoever you want me to be, but there better be a treat involved."

  3. Hahahaha. Oh, this was fun.

    Poor little doggy ;) Whereas for me, it's my boy cat who is always either on the bathmat waiting, or peering in through the shower curtain in fascination at the water.

    1. What is it with critters and the bathroom? You can try and shut them out, but you WILL regret it.

  4. OMG. I just realised that my blog on your blog roll is REALLY old... like 2 months old! I know L'Aussie Denise is having problems with her blog not updating on people's blog rolls as well. Maybe I am too!

    1. Oh, wait, I know the problem - you have my old URL listed :)

    2. I haven't been the best blogger, I'm working on it.

  5. Yeah see I have the cat problem, too. Mine are outside though. I swear one of them is determined to kill me. He weaves in and out in front of me whenever I walk seemingly trying purposefully to trip me.
    At least with a spider if something accidentally died it would probably be the spider.
    Chester is looking good.

    1. Chester is doing very well. He has an appointment next month. I hope we have most the weight off that he gained while he was not well and was on steroids.

      Bob is my cat with the death fetish. I'm not sure if he wants to die or he's trying to kill me. In the middle of the night if I'm making a trip to the bathroom I have to also go out to the food bin and make sure he can get to it.

      Why yes, he does have food in his bowl, but he has to eat out of the bin. He likes to stop repeatedly right in my walking path and then gets pissed when I step on his tail. "It's the middle of the night Bob. I am NOT going to turn on a light. I'm sorry, but we've had this discussion. I don't see in the dark. Now move it or die. You have been warned."

      He never listens. ;)
