Monday, June 25, 2012

And they're off...

The three in the front are the crew that will help DH sail over to the Bahammas.  They were going to leave tomorrow, but there is a storm brewing.  They are going to work their way down the east coast so they can tuck into a nice safe harbour should the need arise.


  1. on an adventure. How exciting.

  2. That's so cool - I hope he has fun :)

  3. Now that looks like a crew to have fun with.

  4. Yeah!! I can comment on my blog this morning. The Reply button is still being obstinant, but at least I can comment.

    It should be a very fun adventure. The 'crew' have never made a crossing before and this will take them a week or so, depending on the weather.

    DH loves having nothing but the ocean around him and the stars over head. I love the ocean but I like knowing there is land near. Of course I'm just a woozie. ;)

  5. Nice crew! Safe sailing to them, and safe arrival, too.

    (I would LOVE to have the experience of being out there, nothing but sea to be seen, but I think I'd feel more comfortable, like you, with some palm trees in sight.)

  6. Ooooh, sounds like fun! Safe sailing to them. (Do you think they'd notice if I stowed away?) ;)
