Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wandering Lady Bugs

I have a collection of nick-knacks -- lady bugs are part of that collection.  I have six.  Sometimes they remain where I put them and sometimes they do not.  The other day I noticed that they were on the move.  I asked them where they were going, if they responded I didn't hear.

In trying to come up with something to blog about I thought the wandering lady bugs might be mildly amusing. 

This is an old picture.  It was rearranged a couple of months back.  Some things stay, some move to other shelves.  What ever feels right is how things get placed.  I'd take a current photo of my desk, but it is in reluctant mode and every  photo I tried to take of it came out dark or blurry.  So I grabbed this old photo from the blog to see if the lady bugs could be seen and this is what I noticed.

They are in basically the same configuration, now.  They didn't start out that way. They all started in the middle crate.  Now three have moved to the left crate, two have moved to the first crate and the little loner bug is out on the doily moving towards my desk.  Every day she gets a bit closer.


  1. I'd be so curious to hear what they said in response! hehe. That has the makings of a children's book opening, I think...

  2. oooo I hadn't thought of that. Thanks.

  3. I'm sure some of these little things have minds of their own and don't want to stay where you want to put them :).

  4. What are you feeding them?

  5. Wonder what she'll do when she makes it to your desk...Maybe she'll write the perfect opening sentence for your novel.
    I bet that's why she's on the move.

  6. I know I could use some help with an opening scene. At the rate she's moving, she just might make it for Nano. ;)

    I used to have two fairies and one would ALWAYS turn her back to the other. I finally just seperated them and she now seems content over with the gnome and flowers.

  7. What a nice picture. Thank you so much for stopping by and following my blog. It was nice meeting you, Judie.

  8. You are ridiculously charming. I'm with J,J,J -- have you ever read the poems about Archie the cockroach and Mehitabel the cat? They were poems written in the 20s about a cockroach who types on the poet's typewriter every night when he's asleep, and these are the tales he discovers in the morning. Often about Mehitabel's many past lives. ...Your ladybug might be getting ideas!
