Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cat (aka Spot)

Okay -- so it is a bit of a stretch but I have a supporting cast member whose name begins with S.  I didn't want to ignore poor Spot.  This story was originally going to be a tongue in cheek romp.  Thus Fanny's last name... you'll have to wait for F day.  Yes, I am mean that way. It's just a couple of days, you'll be fine.

When I was doing 'discovery' I decided that Fanny had a cat with stripes.  I wondered what to name the cat and Julie suggested Spot.  I liked the name.  From time to time Teylor asks why he is named Spot and the response is always:  "That's a long story."  

It is a long story too.  But I can't share it with you just yet. ;)


  1. You have a *C*heeky sense of humour *C*hickie....and you can NEVER go wrong with *C* for *C*at.

    1. ahaha C is for Cat is pretty standard. ;)

  2. Just read the Spot post, the Bailey post and the Annabelle post. Wow they sure seem like full-blown, fascinating, lovable characters already. Can't wait to read this book. When you get it done if you're looking for a beta reader...

    1. That would be awesome!!! I'll let you know when it is ready to go. Thanks!!

  3. Ohmydearfreakingawd the irony is going to kill me! LOL !!!

  4. ahaha I thought you'd like that!!
