Thursday, April 12, 2012


Well, that's a mouthful -- The Klaboutermannikin are said to inhabit the figureheads of ships, giving them guidance and protection. In the event that a ship with a klaboutermannikin does go down, the klaboutermannikin goes down into the sea with the drowned to aid their souls in reaching their proper afterlife.

I suppose if I have an ocean in my Fairy Land where the Irish Sea Guardians can play, it would make sense that there would be ships. Having a Klaboutermannikin for protection would not be a bad thing.  Though I'd probably change the name to something less of a mouthful.


  1. I really like that word though, it sounds so fantasyish :) Nice post!

  2. Cool word. Think I will name our next Red Wattle breeding boar that name.

    1. Kla -- fetch, get the frisbee. But then perhaps one does not play with a breeding boar... never mind. ;)

  3. Interesting...some guidance and protection if the ship can still go down. Still going with my original decision to keep off the boat.

    1. I love boats. Well I love our boat... more of a floating hotel suite actually. Alas, we don't have a figure head on our boat, just an anchor.

  4. Love stories like that. It's interesting to hear all the fairy tales that developed in different regions.
